Tuesday, January 26, 2016

The 5 Most Overrated Places To Do The Deed

5. In The Bathtub

Wow, the bathtub. So romantic right? The two of you in there together, looking at each other, touching, the romance is off the charts. Well until you actually try and do the deed. Way too small, dangerously slippery, and wet. The bathtub is so overrated.

4. The Beach

Okay, I can already hear you out there. The beach? That is the perfect place to do the deed! Outside, beautiful, romantic. Well, all this is true, but you also have to add in sand in weird places, and the odd chance that right in the middle of it, some kid or a dog will come running up to you. And the chance of arrest? Not as hot as it sounds. The beach is a good place, don’t get me wrong, but is it overrated? For sure.

3. At Work

This is a tough one, because truth be told, it is pretty hot to do the deed at work. But the risk factor is what makes it overrated. You could be fired of course, but even worse things could blow up with the person you did it with, making you wish you were fired. All in all? Huge mistake, which makes it overrated.

2. At A Party

A party! What better place to do the deed! Right? Well no, wrong. Because even though you are having fun, and it’s crowded and you both have a little buzz on, what happens after you sneak off and do the deed? Well, right. You have to go back to the party. If you have never done this it gives the word awkward a whole new meaning.

1. In Front Of A Mirror

No, no, no and no. What might seem hot at first, often changes into an awkward nightmare. Of course this all depends on your comfort level with your doing the deed partner, but sometimes the sexy vision in your mind? Well it isn’t quite so sexy when you see how it really looks. Objects may be closer than they appear.

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